April 1, 2010

So if you just jumped to the blog and bypassed the front page, you should probably check it out… or, if it’s no longer April 1, 2010, you can view the mock layout here. Pretty horrific stuff, if I do say so myself! I’m rather proud of it. Here’s hoping it doesn’t inspire too many nightmares… 😈

EDIT: And do let me know if it’s not displaying properly! I didn’t spend the weeks that I spent working on the actual site design, so there may be browser quirks I haven’t tested and accounted for… not that I’ll actually go to the trouble of trying to address them for a mock layout (although that’s precisely what I’ve spent the last hour doing @_@), but I would like to know about them for future reference.

-posted by Wes | 2:07 am | Comments (9)
  • Newt says:

    Creepy. In a good way.

    Kudos for going all out. I’d love to say that I’m too hip to do something like this, but the reality is I’m too lazy and have been swamped this past week. So instead, I’m pulling an April Fool’s joke by not doing anything. It’s reverse Tom Foolery.

    • Wes says:

      Reverse tomfoolery ftw! I usually completely forget about April Fool’s Day until the day of, and by then it’s too late for me to do a proper fake layout with all of the requisite graphics and stuff. I remembered just in time to start working on this one, though… and I’m so pleased with it I may leave it up for an extra day or two. 😉

      Thanks for the compliment, Newt!

  • Mickelodeon says:

    Yay fer clowns! And the thexthy old ladieth they thcare! =) Great job – and so very bright for first thing in the morning. Love it!!!!

    • Wes says:

      I’m so glad you love it, Mickey! I did think of you while putting it together, as we see. :mrgreen:

      • Mickelodeon says:

        I can attribute my lack of clown fear directly to you, I think. But if that thexthy old lady wanted to protect me from them (or would allow me to protect her from them), I would not protest. =)


        • Wes says:

          Well, that’s one good thing to be said for me, eh? 🙂 And that particular old lady… oh, yes.

          And we still need to see KILLJOY in action! I think as long as he doesn’t get defeated by a group of children armed with nothing but a slingshot and earrings, he’ll have beaten Pennywise in the evil clown menace category.

          • Mickelodeon says:

            Oh now, come on. It was Annette O’Toole who defeated Pennywise, not some silly slingshot and earrings and this is why:

            Annette. O’Toole. Is. Awesome (and ginger, though not British).

            Dude, if Tharah! Jane! can hold up a piece of crappy-ass costume jewelry in defense against the Daleks, she would just have to sass Killjoy and he’d be gone.

            They all float down here!

  • Peels says:

    you scared my children why are you so cruel?!

Reply to Wes!

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