April 1, 2008

Hope y’all enjoyed today’s prank! Or, if you missed it because you came directly to the blog or are a day late, you can check it out here. At first I was planning to do a mock layout littered with Daleks and entitled Skaro-Crayon, but then it completely slipped my mind and I found myself with nada as of Monday morning. But then, as I finished up a late night photo shoot for the next article, I came upstairs and found Bacardi happily chomping away and decided to film him enjoying his breakfast. Cartoon lightbulbs flared, resulting in today’s quick April Fool’s Day gag. :mrgreen:

Also, we skipped last year, but feel free to check out our April Fool’s Day pieces for 2005 and 2006. This year’s is definitely less involved, but I think it wins out in terms of cuteness.

If all goes according to plan, I’ll have that article (the first part of a two-parter — one that I hope to actually finish in a timely fashion!) ready sometime this week. Until then, minna-san! 🙂

-posted by Wes | 12:20 am | Comments (9)
  • Aww! What a cute widdle doggie!

    Most adorable April Fool’s gag ever!

  • Oh, by the way, I’m giving away free Chocolate!

    Click this link for details:


  • Albert says:

    Like the barn music.

  • Wes says:

    Tetsu: Glad you approve! Nice one yourself as well — I’m admittedly a bit disappointed, but I suppose I’ve got enough chocolate here as it is. 😉

    Albert: I knew I was forgetting to mention something! The music is from the “Samurai Girl Real Bout High School” soundtrack, which comes free with the series DVD box set. It’s not the greatest anime ever, but I particularly recommend it if you enjoy series in the vein of “Yumeria” or “Interlude” — or have a thing for those obscure (at least to us in the US; they’re quite plentiful in Japan) RPGs that feature protagonists who alternately find themselves attending classes at school and battling monsters and demons in a separate reality.

  • Rha says:

    This is too good to just be an April’s Fools joke. In fact, I think dog video splash pages should be a standard element of all pop culture sites.

  • the Jax says:

    Ah! You got me. I’m glad somebody did.

  • Wes says:

    Rha: Agreed! It’d be even better if the dogs were dressed like various canine superheroes. I wonder if YouTube has any videos of Krypto and Ace chowing down? 😉

    Jax: Is that for lack of trying, or are you an expert at seeing through April Fool’s Day gags? I thought this one was fairly transparent, but the adorableness (or grossness, depending upon your point of view) of the video is hard to top!

  • Molly says:

    Well, like I told you, you had me double-checking to make sure I typed in the URL correctly. I’ve been “gotten” a couple of times today — by little kids too… derhay.

  • Wes says:

    Molly: Gotta love those little scamps, eh? 😉

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