Site Talk
So April Fool's Day has come and gone -- hope you enjoyed Scary-Crayon's gag layout. (For the folks that missed it, check it out here!) But enough of this foolishness -- today it's back to business as usual with Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #36! Enjoy, and we'll see y'all next time.  :)
APRIL FOOL! I fucking hate that bitch.  :P
Hey folks! Hope your March weather has been better than mine -- they say it comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, but in my neck of the woods I'm thinking that must be one extremely depressed lamb because he's been bawling his eyeballs out and thrashing around like crazy. Poor feller.
So, new piece today -- the dark and slightly depressing Cereal Noir. I'd initially intended to post it on Easter too, but that might've caused some folks to read a little too much into the piece. Anyway, enjoy!
And in other news, I finally got my new personal site/blog finished and open to the public, so feel free to visit me over at WESOTERIC. I talk a lot about SC over there (among other things), but it's not officially affiliated with SC. Or I guess it is affiliated with SC, given that they're both under my direction, but they're two distinct sites. I've replaced the old Blog of Wes graphic with a link to Wesoteric -- I know, it's a little big for the sidebar, but it's all I've got on hand right now. I'll make a smaller one in time.
Anyway, that's all I've got for now. As always, I'll have new content for you every few days or so. And speaking of blogs, an official Scary-Crayon blog is in the works, not to mention SC merch. So stay tuned!
To La Planeta de Agua!
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