January 21, 2010
And now a Twilight figure review? Seriously?!?

Yep! Following our Juku Couture doll review — which was selected as Articulated Discussion’s Review of the Week, hurray! — we’re now reviewing a Twilight figure. Alice Cullen, to be specific. I haven’t seen New Moon — the first movie was dull enough for me to pass on that — but the figure (and Ashley Greene) is quite fetching! And at $3.74, the price was pretty fantastic, too. I even picked up an Edward for the same price (I plan to review that figure too at some point), but I kinda wish I hadn’t since now I feel like I need to get Bella. Twilight-mocking toy comics just wouldn’t be complete — or nearly as funny — without her.

Actually, maybe they would! I have an idea… :mrgreen:

Anyway! Speaking of Articulated Discussion up there, DrNightmare recently authored an interview-type piece featuring opinions from a bunch of different toy reviewers. It’d be worth a read even if I weren’t one of the reviewers interviewed, but I am — so that makes it even more imperative that you check it out! All sorts of topics are touched on, the OAFE guys strive to exhibit douchebaggery in the form of nepotism and boastful self-promotion, I do my damnedest to blast a certain video reviewer without mentioning him by name… in short, a good time is had by all. 😛

I was going to write more about the various points in the article and what I agree/disagree with, but I’ll leave that alone for now. I did find it interesting that so many reviewers don’t want to read others’ reviews of the same figure, though. I’ve known authors who are the same way, but it’s never really made sense to me. Yeah, it’s possible that you’ll be influenced by other people’s work, and that could make your work less “unique” (at least as far as you know; Stephanie Meyer mentioned something about avoiding other authors’ work but it sounds like the Twilight saga still managed to be derivative as fuck). But you might also be influenced for the better, such that the quality of your writing, presentation, whatever — even if it borrows from outside elements — will ultimately improve.

And if nothing else, reading other people’s writing might make you aware of things you need to emphasize. For instance, I read Artemis’s review of Alice at OAFE in which he mentions that the figure can’t stand (it can) — but he also doesn’t mention the ankle swivels. So while I had already noticed those points of articulation and would have mentioned them regardless, I felt compelled to point out that they’re helpful for keeping the figure on its feet. Since one would tend to assume that a figure can stand up unless otherwise noted (and since the ankles aren’t the most obvious joints, I can definitely understand someone concluding that the figure can’t stand), I might not have explicitly mentioned that otherwise.

(That’s not meant to be insulting, mind you; I enjoy Artemis’s reviews!)

Anyway, all for now! Stay tuned, since Monday marks the site’s… six-year anniversary! I’m hoping to have at least two new pieces and hopefully three or four up to celebrate — among others, there’ll be the first non-toy review since… August of last year? Wow. 😕

-posted by Wes | 3:42 pm | Comments (8)
  • the Jax says:

    Well, I’m glad you know how to spell “Stephanie”, but the author herself doesn’t. Whether it was the fault of undereducated parents or woefully overworked hospital staff, Ms Meyer is stuck with the given name StephENIE. I can understand being too lazy to go through the legal process to change one letter, but for f’s sake, I think I would have gotten right on that when I got an actual publishing deal.

    • Wes says:

      Ha ha, I didn’t even care enough about her terrible writing to bother double-checking the spelling of her name, but thanks for the info! I’ve fixed that and linked to the Wikipedia entry on her to boot. Not that anyone should care about her life or anything, but I found it amusing that even Stephen King thinks she’s a terrible writer.

      • Mickelodeon says:

        For fear of being laughed off the internetz, I have to admit I bought an audiobook of “The Host,” which was penned by Stephenie Meyer and found it quite enjoyable, though I do wonder how much of that was due to the narrator (my beloved Kate Reading). After all, she makes Patricia Cornwell at least palatable.

        I do know, though, that had Kate Reading not been the narrator, I would have passed it up.

        Who are the two goth giantesses with the piercings in the final photo?

        • Wes says:

          The Internetz laugh at you, but stick around! If Sarah Palin and John Edwards couldn’t be laughed off them, no one can. 😉

          The goth giantesses are from the Bleeding Edge Goths line — not generally my thing, but I picked them up on deep clearance some years ago (even before I plunged heavily back into the world of action figure collecting). They also featured briefly in the Best Friend Colton review, though my photography setup and skills have much improved since that time. 🙂

  • Nelson says:

    This is an eye-catching figure, to be sure. I had the misfortune to watch Twilight, in the theater no less, but I had to admit that I loled a few times. During inappropriate scenes. The only redeeming thing, visually at least, was this Ashley Greene girl.

    And don’t take my word on it, but there may be some “interesting” pics of her floating around in the web…

  • jacob says:

    hey sorry for the stupid question but what are the 2 vampire figures to the far right and left of the last picture? i have been try to figure out when i first came to this site. i would appreciate if you could tell me to get one for my own

    • Wes says:

      To the far left and right? Those are Bleeding Edge Goths figures! I don’t remember their names — picked them up on clearance at Spencer Gifts a while back.

      Still, I hope that helps, jacob! 🙂

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