It seems like everyone’s got something nasty to say about Batman v Superman — but don’t let those folks lead you astray! BvS is the most brilliant film ever conceived, and Zack Snyder is a bonafide genius. (4/1/16)
Special for Valentine’s Day, here’s a review of Paperman — the Disney short that’s garnered heaps of critical acclaim and multiple award nominations just for being so flippin’ adorable. Wes kinda hates it, though. (2/14/13)
Marvel’s The Avengers isn’t bad, but it’s hardly the perfect movie that fans are raving about. Viewers hoping for a more substantive film — like Iron Man or Captain America — might find it a little disappointing. (5/5/12)
While the first three films in the series were terrible, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 is truly a fantastic movie. Read our in-depth (and late by a day) review to find out just what makes this flick so awesome! (4/2/12)
It’s one part stoner comedy, one part high school drama, and one part supernatural adventure — but “Todd & The Book of Pure Evil” is all good! Well, mostly good. Check out our review for more info on this fun TV show. (3/13/12)
When vampires blood-drinking zombies overrun the USA, things don’t go too well for society! Stake Land is the story of Mister and Martin’s journey through the dangerous world that remains. It’s surprisingly decent. (8/2/11)
1983 saw the TV debut of the Visitors, alien invaders with a hunger for human flesh… and in 2009, they returned in a modern reboot. Unfortunately, while the show began well enough, it later became very, very stupid. (1/16/11)
I wasn’t really into the Twilight series before I saw this movie, but The Twilight Saga: New Moon has truly made a fan of me. Keep reading to find out why this is a brilliant film — and the best vampire movie ever made. (4/1/10)
Her younger days were full of funky fashion fun, but Sarah Jane’s found a common look in her old age. In the Sarah Jane Smith Fashionista Fever! finale, Mickey Glitter gives us one last tour of Miss Smith’s wardrobe. (1/25/10)
In this summary review of the “Wuzzles” episode “In the Money”, we see how wealth can transform a likeable guy into a total jerk. We also see how disturbingly messed up the land of Wuz and its inhabitants are. (1/25/10)
THE RISE OF COBRA!!! (Or not…)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra recently debuted in theaters to not-so-stellar reviews… but what does Scary-Crayon have to say about this latest film adaptation of a beloved 1980s cartoon and Hasbro toyline? Find out here! (8/13/09)
In the latest installment of Sarah Jane Smith Fashionista Fever!, Mickey Glitter sadly reports that Sarah Jane has been replaced by a horrible alien clone with awful fashion sense. Please come back to us, Sarah Jane! (6/14/09)
After six years and a terrible third film, those futuristic killer cyborgs are back in theaters with Terminator Salvation! Alas, as our review of the movie notes, this mess is far inferior to the robots’ recent television exploits. (6/14/09)
Despite increasing praise from both ‘net critics and fans, “Dollhouse” is not getting better. In fact, it’s become quite hateful in its implicit approval of slavery and sex trafficking and shallow treatment of deep topics. Ugh. (4/28/09)
The Internet fanboys hail Joss Whedon as some kind of infallible creative deity, but “Dollhouse” is hardly inspiring stuff. Given the show’s multiple shortcomings, I can’t see myself even growing to like it… let alone love it. (3/3/09)
It’s true: Mickey Glitter has returned with a new installment of Sarah Jane Smith Fashionista Fever!… wherein we see the culmination of young Sarah Jane’s cumulative fashion growth. Perfection, thy name is Andy Pandy. (1/25/09)
Should you choose to click this link, you’ll find a scathing review of the worst and most vile television program I have ever seen. EVER. Also, there are screencaps, so this article probably isn’t work safe. Ugh. (1/12/09)
It’s time for more Sarah Jane Smith Fashionista Fever! In Mickey’s third installment, we see the lovely Miss Smith don everything from pink sailor suits to stained Victorian linens. Quite an eclectic sense of style, eh? (9/3/08)