Or at least that’s my assessment after watching the trailer. I suppose that a good film was too much to expect after two depressingly less than spectacular live action outings, but with this one I swear that Hollywood is just trying to figure out how shitty an “epic” action movie (assuming X3 has a longer runtime than its predecessor) has to be before people call it what it is. I think there’s a certain length after which moviegoers will automatically conclude that a movie is good no matter what — because you know, while I can recall quite a few reviewers saying that a movie was too long, I can’t recall any recent movies that exceeded the two-hour mark that people didn’t like. Shit, people freely admitted that Jackson’s King Kong was waaay too long and still loved it. It’s possible that I’m wrong on this, though, so feel free to note some long movies that didn’t fare too well among the critics or at the box office.
Impressions of the trailer and review are also welcome. Ja!
1-My, you ARE a picky person when it comes to movies. You didn’t like the “X-men” movies, you didn’t like the “Spider-Man” movies, you didn’t like “Flightplan” or “Gothika”…
You should start writing about the movies you DO like.
2-I try not to ask too much about a movie. If it is entertaining and fun, it’s OK by me.
I don’t LOVE the X-Men movies, but I don’t hate them with your burning passion. I think there are movies out there far more desrving of hate (“Batman Begins” and “Ultraviolet” come to mind).
3-I liked the first “X-Men”. It was fun, and it didn’t introduce too many characters.
“X2”, however, tried cramming 30 characers in a movie where 8 would have been enough.
I mean, what’s the point of introducing full-fleshed characters like Colossus, Artie, Syrin , Shadowcat and Jubilee if you are gonna turn them into paper-thin cameos that serve no puprpose other trhan being a node to the fans.
And fuck, did they really NEED to turn them into defenseless little kids?What’s the point of having mutant powers if you are not gonna use them?When Stryker’s men attack the Mansion, Coloussus was the only one smart enough to use his powers to fight them.
Hell, Jubilee doesn’t use her powers AT ALL anywhere during the movie!
And then there’s the thing about Pyro not roasting alive those cops…
3-“X-Men: The Last Stand” looked fun. Sure it has some flwas, but it seemewd like brainless popcorn fun.
On the other hand, I fear we might get more defenseless little kids in the form of Artie, Leech, Jubilee, Shadowcat and Archangel.
And why the hell are Stacy X, Psylocke, Callisto and Multiple Man evil? They were GOOD GUYS in the comic books!
And why are Omega Red and Juggernaut members of the Brotherhood? They were freelance villains in the comics!
And why does Phoenix has to be DARK Phoenix? Why can’t she be a heroine?
And if shre is indeed Dark Phoenix, why would she join Magneto? Wouldn’t she just try to kill everybody?
STILL, the movie looks interesting enough for me to check out.