In case you couldn’t tell or didn’t notice the date, I totally wasn’t being serious in my review of The Twilight Saga: New Moon — this movie is terrible. Bella spends most of it being a whiny bitch; the vampires are either uninteresting stock characters, stupid, or just plain jerks (or all of the above); and there’s a lot of stuff with the story that just doesn’t work, except it does because Stephenie Meyer (or the director/screenwriter/etc.) says it does. Perhaps because it’s based on a book, there’s also a lot of exposition — much of which involves the characters explaining why they have to do things a certain way, as with the whole stopping Edward from exposing himself thing. And there’s the stupid sparkling.
I can’t say this is the worst vampire movie I’ve ever seen, but it’s probably the worst I’ve seen with production values this high. It’s not even really a vampire movie. It’s a movie about a teenage girl whining and flirting with death because her boyfriend moved away and she’s oh-so sad, but then she meets this other guy and things aren’t so bad except they are because she’s still oh-so sad and runs off at the drop of a hat to be with the dude who left her — it just has vampires and werewolves and other supernatural stuff along for the ride.
Speaking of rides, the Twilight series depicts vampires as being Flash fast — so why the hell are they driving cars? I’d just run everywhere.
Holy crap, Wes, you scared me. Until I read your comment, I was prepared to leave a comment akin to “Wes, if this isn’t an April Fools joke, I am coming to Maryland to beat you silly.”
Don’t DO that! Ever! LOL
Both Twilight films have proved entertaining for me because everything’s so ridiculous, I can’t stop laughing.