And a month and a half later, the second part of the King Kong discounted action figure review is finally up! And to reward you for waiting so patiently, I’ve even included a bonus review of a dollar store gorilla toy. 😉
Speaking of dollar store toy reviews, you might want to check out the Dollar Store Toy Box. I believe the author of the site lives in Canada, so it’s particularly neat to see what items are making the rounds in the northern counterparts of our own dollar stores here in the States. For example, the Transformatrix bootleg Optimus Prime (remember him?) was a Dollar Tree regular back during the 2006 winter holiday season, but apparently he’s just arrived in Canada’s Dollarama locations. Neat!
And while we’re plugging things, Review the World returned this weekend after posting its “final” article on December 31, 2007. Sometimes things just don’t stay dead, eh? Anyway, I look forward to seeing how RtW progresses in its resurrected incarnation.
Until next time, minna-san!
Wow, Wes you’ve really been “going ape”, lately!
But, seriously you’ve really been on a Kong/Grodd/Apes in general kick lately.
Nothing wrong with that though. 😉 But, I do hope DK and the Planet Of The Apes get their due while you’re monkeying around.
My big kick is still KND. And, I just wanna mention that I think Nigel Uno (#1) could totally take Grodd. 😛
(Click my name for proof of both Nigel’s awesomeness, and the fact that I waste way too much time looking at crap on Youtube).
Anyway, I think the coolest use for the dollar store monkey would be to attach wings to it so it could represent on of the Wicked Witch’s minions!