July 8, 2005
Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #46!

So with Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #46 I wanted to do something related to George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead (f’n great, go watch it) — and given that when I wasn’t pondering the meaning of the allegorical elements on screen I was saying to myself, “Goddamnit, why is that zombie hot!?!?” I guess this just kinda came out. And oddly enough, when I went to IMDb to snag the direct link to the film’s info page, I saw that the actress who played zombie Number 9, Jennifer Baxter, is currently enjoying front page publicity! And apparently she’s also in Dark Water with the lovely Jennifer Connelly… which means I may have to go see that too. Hmmm…

Anyway, speaking of Romero’s Land, I recently wrote a guest opinion of it alongside Malicious Bitch (I’m not insulting her; that’s the name of the site!) film critic Becky in a special She Said/He Said review, so feel free to check that out as well! Stick around to read the other reviews in Becky’s A Fool’s Gesture column while you’re at it — and if anyone asks, tell ’em Scary-Crayon sent ya. 😉

So — if you’ve got any comments about Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #46 or Land or zombie/horror films in general, you know what to do!

-posted by Wes | 3:36 am | Comments (6)
  • Josh says:

    so was this a sequel to dawn of the dead?

  • I thought Land of the Dead was pretty decent; I mean, come on, it was the first time Dennier Hopper and John L. have been on-screen together since Super Mario Bros. – The Movie..

  • Ty says:

    No, Josh, it’s a sequal to Day of the Dead, which is a sequel to the 70’s Dawn of the Dead, Sequel to Night of the Living Dead.

    Damn, Wes, you draw a big ankh.

  • Ditto says:

    Soooo funny. xxoo

  • Scorn the Terrible says:

    How come all the hottest chicks are the dead ones nowadays?

    Marilyn Monroe, why’d you have to get involved with the Prez so he could send his FBI-drug-overdosing ninja squad after you?

  • Jaime says:

    I KNEW that was teh chickie you were talking about when you said you thought someone was hot hahaha =p~

    I’m still pissed off what those damn guys did to Mouse though…he’s definitely my type

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