Yes — and in today’s installment, Ryu meets the Grim Reaper. I told you he’d be back! And he’ll be back again and again and again and again.
I’m still calling them Hot Flashes for the time being, but I think I’ve narrowed it down to a few names that I want to pick — all of them starting with “Dusty Plastic HELL” (mostly because I don’t want to have to change the category title). So let me know which of the following you prefer:
Dusty Plastic HELLfire
Dusty Plastic HELLbox
Dusty Plastic HELLhole
Dusty Plastic HELLion
Dusty Plastic HELLsmoke
Personally, I’m leaning toward HELLhole, if only because it reminds me of donut holes and that goes in with the theme of the Hot Flashes being smaller, bite-sized versions of the longer Dusty Plastic HELL comics (and no, I haven’t forgotten about Krang’s bodily quest). HELLbox also seems appropriate in that it’s a box for a tailor’s scraps; it’s just that that term isn’t quite as widely used.
And speaking of stuff about which I’d like your input, don’t forget about the Clown comic challenge thingy (right-click the link to save the image)! I’ve got a couple of awesome submissions from Monty/Rawpower95 of RawToys, but I need more before I can start posting these. MORE! So come on people — let’s see some creativity! Or just plain weirdness. Yep.
Another comic next time… and probably another guest article. Hooray!
I like that one, alot. Also, love the Ryu fig used.
Anyway, I don’t know about Mortal Kombat, but didn’t Killer Instinct include a Grim Reaper-like character? Or, do I have that mixed up?