And here’s another one for the upcoming video game section (i.e., the category page I intend to create whenever I get around to tweaking the links on the site layout) — three reviews of games featuring DALEKS. As noted in the article, there are far more than three such games, but these are some of the more notable ones for various reasons. In the case of Doctor Who: Dalek Attack, that reason is that it’s as freaking hard as Dalekanium. There are supposedly different Daleks in the game as you progress, so if you happen to be freaking awesome and actually get to them, do feel free to send me screencaps. Not that I’ll necessarily use them for future Hot Flashes (though there’s an idea) — I mostly just wanna see what the buggers look like. ‘Cause I really like ’em Daleks.
Not sure if it’ll be next time — ’cause there are tons of articles on deck — but there is definitely more Dalek madness on the way. STAY TUNED!
To be honest, Dr. Who is a show I’ve been aware of my whole life but never watched or had any clue what it’s about.
Anyway, after some wikipedia research I have to say that the ascpects of the show I find most interesting are that the main actor gets replaced perodically (because it reminds me so much of Kamen Rider), and the whole origin story about him having been a “Time Lord”. So what storylines should I look for that tie into the Doc’s Time-Lord past?