The days between Scary-Crayon updates are long… but we’re finally back with some fresh content for you!
First up: Dusty Plastic HELLside #27, featuring Pinkie Pie and a couple of aliens from Dollar Tree. I can’t tell you how much I like these guys — at least not now; I may review them in the near future — but perhaps the fact that I’ve bought at least six or so of them will sufficiently convey my enthusiasm for the moment. Really cool figures for a buck, despite their apparent cheapness. And Pinkie Pie! This figure isn’t as awesome as it could be (memo to Hasbro: make superarticulated ponies!), but the articulated legs are a step in the right direction.
Next: a review of one of Creatology’s Halloween vinyl decorating figures. With Articulated Discussion sadly departed, I’m itching to post more toy-related content (presently most of my comments end up on TheFwoosh’s message boards) — but I’m not anxious to return to writing highly technical toy reviews for SC, even though I’ll probably end up reposting my AD pieces here at some point just to give them a home on the web. I’m still in a tedious toy review mode, but this is more along the lines of what I’d like to post: still a good look at the toy, but not quite as long-winded or thorough as my AD reviews. That there’s not a detailed sculpt or paint job on this figure probably helped in that respect, but I could see being even less technical in the future. I’d also like to be funnier, but — as nifty as the lil pumpkin head is — he just didn’t make me laugh. Maybe Pinkie Pie or the aliens would be different!
And yes, if/when I get around to customizing this fella, I’ll be sure to share that with y’all. Right now I’m thinking it could be a cute version of Sam from Trick ‘r Treat, but if I can’t find that bat it’ll end up being a pumpkin-headed Wes. 😛
And now some shout outs! During SC’s hiatus period, we’ve been lucky enough to receive donations from two kind readers: Cynlee of TMNT fandom fame and longtime reader Josh. Thanks so much to both of you! Thanks also to the handful of people who’ve commented and/or sent e-mails in recent months: even though I haven’t responded directly to all of these messages, I definitely do read them and appreciate hearing from you. And thanks to the rest of you readers for sticking with us and/or just stopping by to check out our content. 🙂
That’ll do it for this update, then. No promises for next time — but as always, I hope it’ll be sooner rather than later! Until then, all my best.
YAY PINKIE PIE!!! That fall she’s got is super-duper, that’s for sure.