Well, this review took me a bit longer than I expected — and was delayed further by an unfortunate occurrence that you can read about therein — but our review of the third Doctor and Dalek 2-pack from Character Options and Underground Toys is finally up! While I can’t entirely recommend the set at this price, I don’t think that matters — if you’re the kind of person this set is for, you’ll buy it (and likely have already bought it) regardless of my recommendation. As Mickey put it, “Dude, it’s Pertwee.” Indeed it is.
Anyway, hopefully you’ll find it to be an entertaining read even if you’re not interested in the figures! But if it starts to get too long for you, feel free to scroll down to the handy-dandy summary at the bottom. I grin every time I look at those Crayon Critter bullets, dontchaknow. 😉
Great review, I read the whole thing!
I been meaning to review my Pertwees, but I have so much crap I need to review that I’ve been taking a pass on reviews that are longer in favor of some easy ones. I may do a whole week of Who or something in the weeks ahead and just knock it all out at once.
I actually haven’t even taken mine out of the box yet. EGADS!