And after last time’s squeaky clean update, it’s time to get nasty with Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #58! Following the trend of slapping various screencaps with suggestive captions and word bubbles, today’s kinky comic follows Carnage after his escape from Ravencroft. For the curious, these screencaps are from Maximum Carnage for the SNES, based on the 14-part Spider-Man crossover from 1993. I was reading comics back then, and while I remember the saga fondly (hey, it had Venom, Demogoblin, and, among favorite characters of mine, Cloak and Dagger), this game sucked then and it sucks now. If you’ve never played it, consider yourself lucky!
Also, you may have noticed that the Google ads (ugh) are up at the bottoms of articles. Sorry for the annoyance, but click them sometime, eh? Every click helps pay for Scary-Crayon’s hosting costs and review material! And stuff.
Aaaand finally, as a special Thanksgiving treat for Scary-Crayon readers, next week is going to be THE WEEK OF HOT FLASHES, with a new spam-based Hot Flash comic every weekday! That’s FIVE new Hot Flashes! Yup. That’ll be in addition to at least one other article — and hopefully two — so make sure to check us out next week! And have a happy holiday and stuff. 🙂
That damn game was impossible without using a game genie, especially the part where you break into the Fantastic Four’s HQ…