Never one to be satisfied with our previous forays into the world of culinary intrigue, Scary-Crayon once again boldly attempts to discover the recipe of the fabled oyster loaf in The Experimental Oyster Loaf 2! Additionally, if you’ve forgotten about the first experiment, you can read about that here — and, as noted at the conclusion of today’s article, the experiments shall continue. SO STAY TUNED!
Also, today SC honors beloved actor Pat Morita with a special edition Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash. R.I.P. Miyagi-san — you were pretty okay.
This is about The Experimental Oyster Loaf 2. Wes, I would try using 1/3c flour and 1/4c cornmeal, or muffin mix. Rather than using water I would also try milk. I feel that you would have more luck with that combo. Happy eating!