And now, Scary-Crayon presents…
#8 – Lord Ha’ntaan’s Politics
by: Wes
[I ended up cutting it from the final comic, but I’d originally planned for Donatello to go off on a tangent about Romney’s work with Bain Capital and how its “management” spelled the demise of KB Toys (even though Romney wasn’t technically with Bain Capital during that period). That’d be a sore point for Donatello — the first TMNT toy I ever owned — since he was purchased at a KB Toys in 1988.]
Lolz, I never knew his first name but mostly because I didn’t care enough to read up. I guess I assumed it was Mitchell or maybe Emmett, or at the very least Kermitt.
I don’t know which first name of Romney’s is stupider. x.x
I miss KB Toys; that last visit we made before it went under was so depressing (most of the stuff was either cheap knockoffs or for very young children). Now that I’ve been reminded of it, I wonder how it’d look today if it had survived; would they still carry toys and collectibles aimed at multiple age groups? (Dad claimed that the removal of most of the less kid-oriented stuff was due to complaints, but I dunno if that’s true)
Got a charming set of Judge Dredd trading cards at KB.
Ahh KB (or is it KayBee?), where I got every single Turtle I owned. Uh, except for space-Raphael, I have no idea where he was from. Space, probably.

Wow, you actually worked in a reference to the movie Willard! I am absolutely amazed by that! I had no idea that Bain Capital was involved in the downfall of KB Toys, but.. man, do I miss them sometimes. Sigh.