Hi folks! If you’ve been reading this column at all, you know that there’s only one more week until Scary-Crayon celebrates its one-year birthday and/or anniversary on January 25th! So please send over your testimonials and photos to help us mark the occasion — whether you’ve got gushing praises for the site, anecdotes about what you were doing when you first came to SC, weepy and heartfelt poetry about how SC changed your life, thoughts about your favorite SC article and the reasons you like it so much, or especially photos of yourself posing with crayons and/or other related paraphernalia (e.g. action figures), or some other things not mentioned here, we want ’em! Send them here, please. Thanks! 🙂
Also, let’s give a warm welcome to Bacardi, who recently joined such beloved pets as Smudge and the late Duncan MacPhish by making his first appearance on the site in “Bacardi in Wonderland”! Sadly, Duncan is gone, but Bacardi will be back for more fun on SC! Watch for him!