FINALLY, the Power Rangers get some review love on the site with this in-depth look at Throttle Max Ranger Gold! I plan on having more Power Rangers reviews in the very near future — now that I’ve reviewed one, I’m confident I can get a few more up here without being too verbose.
I also picked up a laughable figure tonight that I’ll be reviewing very soon. This thing makes Best Friend Colton look like the Best. Toy. Ever. by comparison. Seriously, it’s awful. I’ve consistently looked at this line and just laughed every time I passed it at Dollar Tree, but then I suddenly started thinking the figures might get recalled because half of them have these giant flash tumors on them — not to mention shoddy screws and metal pins holding them together — that could probably choke a child. And that paint? Totally infused with delicious lead, and poorly applied at that. But I’m getting ahead of myself…
Until next time!
what’s the name of the action figure in the photo next to the captioned one that reads, “who turned out the lights?” i think he’s part of a toy series that was based around mechanical samurai and i wanted to know the name of the toy. do you know?