Much like the responses on Jeopardy, A Crayon Haiku #66 takes the form of a question. Like certain answers and Daily Doubles, it also refers to an image. Will you be able to answer it? That was also a question. (8/11/07)
The new season of Doctor Who hasn’t been all that great, but this latest development is especially ridiculous and utterly unacceptable. In A Crayon Haiku #65, we look upon the abomination that is… well, abominable. (4/21/07)
Today is Friday the 13th, so here is A Crayon Haiku #64 with a potentially spooky product from the dollar store to commemorate the occasion! Perhaps it will go well with Whitehall sandwich slices… and bread. (4/13/07)
Well, the latest TMNT film is finally here! Alas, for us at Scary-Crayon, it’s something of a disappointment. We’ve summed up our thoughts in A Crayon Haiku #63, but see the attendant blog post for a fuller assessment. (3/25/07)
A Crayon Haiku #62 marks the writing debut of Grimlock, who has composed a haiku about the rather unfortunate state in which he appears in this short piece. Curse those Autobots and their poor leadership skills! (3/25/07)
Those wacky exterminators are popping up everywhere — apparently even in the homes of people too fat to actually walk to the store to purchase them! See A Crayon Haiku #61 and the attendant blog entry for details. (3/15/07)
Those shady people who try to take advantage of hapless citizens via e-mail strike again in A Crayon Haiku #60. Where is Jessica when we need her to rip these bastards in half? Yes, I dig the “Heroes” references. (3/7/07)
If you’re like Wes, you can sometimes forget about foods that you’ve purchased and stored in the freezer… for years. A Crayon Haiku #59 sees the return of a frozen edible that has been on ice since the bookstore days! (2/19/07)
As we begin Scary-Crayon’s fourth year, we look at how things have changed elsewhere in A Crayon Haiku #58. Sometimes change is good — but often it is not. Hopefully SC’s evolution has been less depressing. (1/25/07)
Yes, Mike’s taken a beating, but that’s hardly the worst part about A Crayon Haiku #57. I mean, isn’t Leo supposed to be setting a good example for his brothers? No wonder Raph took his place in the Turtle Power song. (1/20/07)
2007 kicks off at Scary-Crayon with A Crayon Haiku #56! Granted, we do buy a lot of DVDs here, but come on — quit rushing us and telling fibs, Heck, we didn’t even buy any TV DVDs from you in 2006. (1/4/07)
My laptop screen drives me crazy. I try my hardest to keep it clean, but it only gets dirtier! My desktop monitor, bless its Windows-taskbar-burned-into-the-bloody-screen soul, never gave me this much grief. Have a haiku. (12/11/06)
Sometimes, apparently, Gmail goes somewhere. I know this because it tells me that it has returned. But where does it go? We ponder this question briefly — very briefly, ’cause it’s a haiku — in A Crayon Haiku #54. (12/11/06)
Oh my god. I mean, I expected it to be bad, but bloody hell, man. BLOODY HELL. I just had to write A Crayon Haiku #53 promptly after watching this movie in order to express my complete and total disdain for it. Good lord. (9/24/06)
Windows Media Player is so totally helpful, isn’t it? I mean, if you’re listening to a groovy CD, all you’ve gotta do to buy it is click a link in the corner of the window! But wait! A Crayon Haiku #52 notes a problem with this. (9/24/06)
I can’t read Japanese text, but that doesn’t stop Eastern robots from sending me spam in their native language! At least I think it’s spam. Why not have a look at A Crayon Haiku #51 and tell me what you think, eh? (5/18/06)
Although computer programs and subsequent program upgrades have simplified a number of tasks that were previously more difficult and time-consuming, sometimes subtle interface changes lead to confusion. (4/16/06)
In A Crayon Haiku #49, we pay brief tribute to Rogue of the X-Men. Any girl whose touch is deadly and can look the part whether she’s a rough and tough Southern belle or a sullen gothic wallflower is bloody awesome. (3/23/06)