I don’t know what to think about advertising anymore. First McDonald’s asked customers to do obscene things with burgers, and now Wendy’s… ugh, I can’t say any more. Find out in A Crayon Haiku #30. Bloody hell. (5/18/05)
With the sun shining and green things growing, it sure feels like spring to me! But apparently not everyone’s aware of the recent change in seasons, as we see in A Crayon Haiku #29. Or maybe he’s protesting? (5/10/05)
You know how folks criticize others who supposedly can’t cook by saying that those people burn toast? Well, as we see in A Crayon Haiku #28, Wes somehow managed to burn cereal. Dine at his table at your own risk. (4/7/05)
In A Crayon Haiku #27, we welcome Bulma of Dragon Ball fame to Scary-Crayon! Yeah, toys are always popping up on here, but few of them have as special a place in my heart as Bulma. Must be the blue hair… (3/21/05)
Both gross and depressing, A Crayon Haiku #26 features a few photos from Wes’s most recent trip to NYC. Strange photos. Unpleasant photos. Photos of poop and snow and stuff. Seriously. View at your own risk. (3/14/05)
That’s right — it’s time once again for everyone’s favorite three-lined five seven five format! In A Crayon Haiku #25, we take a look at overpriced game rentals. No wonder they can afford to do away with late fees! (3/11/05)
Again with the Japanese text! In A Crayon Haiku #24, we take a closer look at the strange and possibly obscene sticker affixed to the plasic bubble of a recent action figure acquisition. Kono goro hayari no onna no ko… (3/4/05)
Another Crayon Haiku farewell.
Once again sadness that accompanies the death of a pet visits Scary-Crayon with the news of little Sake’s passing. Rest well, tiny rodent friend! May the streets of mousey Heaven be paved with assorted cheeses. (2/27/05)
The subject of A Crayon Haiku #23 hails from those days of old when kids killed for the cheap and wacky toys that lived with soggy burgers and lukewarm fries in a happy cardboard house with arches on top. I’m lovin’ it! (2/25/05)
A Valentine’s Day Crayon Haiku!
Happy Valentine’s Day from the Turtles and the Scoobies! And Scary-Crayon, of course. For this V-Day Crayon Haiku, we scanned two cards from our collection of valentines and wrote stuff under them. We <3 you, btw. (2/14/05)
This four-part installment of A Crayon Haiku takes us back to those easy, breezy days of childhood, when things were simple and a small toy leopard with paper taped to it was as good a Jagwar toy as any. I <3 you, Jagwar. (2/2/05)
In A Crayon Haiku #21, Scary-Crayon welcomes a new little friend to the fold! Okay, so Ramses has been with us a while, but this is his debut appearance on the site. Hurrah for Ramses! Hurrah for bargains, too. (1/30/05)
Enter A Crayon Haiku #20, drawn and conceived by Wes during another awful night of work at the bookstore! It’s also got an Event Horizon reference, for those of you who find those kinds of things amusing. (1/18/05)
It’s been a while since we had one of these, eh? After a two month hiatus, the Crayon Haiku featurette returns with its 19th edition! WARNING: This haiku is pretty gross. It’s gross squared! It’s 144. It’s work safe, though. (12/26/04)
Sometimes, when we’re bored at work, the ancient joys of MS Paint are all we have. In A Crayon Haiku #18, we learn that things of beauty can be created in such moments… happy things to make hearts sing. (10/26/04)
As if you didn’t already know, A Crayon Haiku #17 shows that we at Scary-Crayon never paid much attention to our moms when they told us not to play with our food. What’s that, Mom? I can’t hear you. (9/29/04)
After taking a week off to check out NEW YAWK CITY, Scary-Crayon returns with A Crayon Haiku: Times Square Toys ”R” Us Edition! It’s a quick look at the store’s interior. With haikus! And the jawsome T-Rex. (9/14/04)
In A Crayon Haiku #16, Skeletor gets reacquainted with some old friends from the 80s — or so he thinks. Once the truth is revealed, how will he react to these unfamiliar faces? There’s only one way to find out! (9/3/04)