Lots of them, even. The second Resident Evil film doesn’t hit theaters until next weekend, but in the meantime you can check out Scary-Crayon’s tribute to the second game in A Crayon Haiku: Resident Evil 2 Edition! (9/1/04)
It’s FRIDAY THE 13TH, that time when Jason Voorhies returns to thwart the sexcapades of teens everywhere. And that’s exactly what happens in this special edition Friday the 13th Crayon Haiku. Or is it? (8/13/04)
A Crayon Haiku #15 is nothing special. It’s very simple. Perhaps too simple. Is some secret meaning lurking in its shimmering, artery-clogging visage? Oh ho ho! Put that in your pipe and smoke it! But don’t inhale. (7/20/04)
In this installment of A Crayon Haiku, Scary-Crayon says goodbye to a longtime friend, the noble Duncan MacPhish of the Clan MacPhish, who recently passed on to that great fishbowl in the sky. Rest in peace, pal. (6/27/04)
In A Crayon Haiku #14, we take a look at… well, we’re not really sure what it is. Maybe you can tell us, eh? It appears to be in Japanese! Aaand we’re just rambling on here, really. Gotta fill space, you know. (6/5/04)
A Crayon Haiku #12 takes us back to the infancy of your favorite half-shelled heroes and mine, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. What secrets will we learn about their origins? Read on to find out! (5/22/04)
Sure, Mother’s Day was yesterday, but when have you ever known Scary-Crayon to be punctual? So here’s a special Mother’s Day Crayon Haiku to fill up space warm your heart. Sharks have moms too, y’know. (5/10/04)
Yep, time for A Crayon Haiku #11. If you don’t know who that is in the image to the left, SOON YOU WILL! These Crayon Haikus don’t really require much in the way of introduction, do they? (4/22/04)
Scary-Crayon finally hits the double digits of haiku hard with A Crayon Haiku #10! Well, sorta. We kinda already cheated by bringing #13 out early. Pretend you didn’t notice. Hey, look, Wingnut and Screwloose! (4/17/04)
Scary-Crayon is pleased to bring you the “ninth” edition of A Crayon Haiku. The photo pretty much says it all, but we managed to squeeze a haiku out of it. Yay. So enjoy. Please? (4/8/04)
A Crayon Haiku #8 touches on the decline of wrestling. Does anyone remember back when WWE was WWF and was actually kind of fun to watch? I do. Will it ever be that way again? I doubt it. (3/28/04)
Yup! Hope you’re hungry, ’cause it’s time for A Crayon Haiku #13. Yes, how very perceptive of you — this one’s out of order. Oh, don’t look so shocked. You’re browsing a site called Scary-Crayon, remember? (3/22/04)
It most certainly is! Come along, come along, dear reader, and be merry, for A Crayon Haiku #7 is upon us! We’re a little late for St. Patrick’s Day, but Beetlejuice is still wearing his green pants… (3/16/04)
Finally having come down from the incredible high that is THE SANDWICH SO WEIRD it frightens McGriddles, Napoleon’s back to his old tricks in A Crayon Haiku #6! What do they entail? Read and find out! (3/1/04)
That’s right — y’all gather ’round for A Crayon Haiku #5. In this installment, Scary-Crayon takes a look at the character of the noble Triceraton. These descriptions are longer than the haikus themselves. (2/24/04)
Just in time for Valentine’s Day comes A Crayon Haiku #4, with two haikus for the price of one! The action figures have taken V-Day off to recite bad poetry, but there’s always strange food to write about… (2/14/04)
Yep, it’s time for the third edition of A Crayon Haiku! Tokka and Slash star, along with the author’s mounting suspicion that there’s something odd going on that he can’t quite comprehend… (2/9/04)
The game’s almost over, but Scary-Crayon still comes through with the Superbowl Edition of A Crayon Haiku! This time, on behalf of football players everywhere, Touchdown Leo does the honors. (2/1/04)