''Blogs are not frogs.''
November 25, 2004
Happy Turkey Day!!!

HAPPY TURKEY DAY, EVERYONE!!! As millions of Americans give thanks by stuffing their faces and making themselves even fucking fatter than they already are, millions more people around the world starve to death with each passing second. Fuck this holiday, man! I want presents.  🙁

-posted by Wes | 4:54 pm | Comments (0)
November 20, 2004
Someday, people will read again!

I’m really sorry about the lack of substantial content, everyone — I’ve been working so bloody much (and trying rather pitifully to participate in National Novel Writing Month) that I haven’t had time for anything except the Hot Flash comics. Hopefully you’ve derived some enjoyment from them. Just wanted to let you know that, eventually, there will be articles again. Soon. I hope. Anyway, until next time, be good to yourselves… and each other.

-posted by Wes | 6:23 pm | Comments (1)
November 1, 2004
Election 2004!

Fuck, I wasn’t sure I’d make it. I mean, damn, one day away. Cutting it kinda close. But it’s up! So without further ado, enjoy Scary-Crayon’s ELECTION 2004!!!

-posted by Wes | 1:50 am | Comments (0)
October 29, 2004
Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #4!

Quick update. First, perceptive readers will notice that I’ve changed the header text in the articles block — “Leave in Pieces” didn’t make much sense to me. And of course we’ve got Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #4! Enjoy! And assuming that work doesn’t kill me and I actually find the time, I hope to have an election special up in the next few days. So stay tuned to Scary-Crayon!

-posted by Wes | 8:39 am | Comments (0)
October 26, 2004
Scary-Crayon’s new clothes!

As you can see, the new layout is up! Give us a shout if you like it. Or if you don’t. Or if something’s not working right. Mmmkay? We’ve got a couple of new pieces too, so be sure to check those out. And thanks for continuing to visit Scary-Crayon!

-posted by Wes | 6:14 am | Comments (0)
October 17, 2004
Layout preview…

Psst… for all three of you who actually read what I write in this block, here’s a sneak preview of SC’s slightly new and improved layout. It probably won’t go up for another week or so, but other than having graphics for header text and a few other minor changes (for example, the complete removal of the Section Archives block), it’ll look just like that. Click any of the non-working links (indicated by the strikethrough) to come back here. And please send me an e-mail if you have problems viewing the pages. Thanks!

-posted by Wes | 2:13 am | Comments (0)
October 13, 2004
He’s not fucking into you.

FINALLY, we’ve got a new article up — He’s Not Fucking Into You — which also inadvertently contains a preview of the site’s updated look. I just haven’t gotten around to updating the main and archive pages yet. 😛 Anyway, stay tuned for that! And for more content and stuff, too.

-posted by Wes | 4:33 am | Comments (0)
September 3, 2004
BBL! But in the meantime…

Hey all! Wes here. I won’t be around to update the site next week, hence today’s massive update — in addition to A Crayon Haiku #16 and Crayon Poetry Corner: RE2 Edition (the latter of which, like A Crayon Haiku: RE2 Edition, is part of our Resident Evil: Apocalypse tie-in), we’ve got two new food pieces that you just have to try for yourselves — THE SANDWICH THAT PETRIFIES THE GODS and the culinary creation I have no doubt will become a snacktime favorite of TMNT fans over 21 everywhere, Turtle Spew. So y’all enjoy, and I’ll see you in a week or so.  🙂

-posted by Wes | 3:42 pm | Comments (0)
July 27, 2004
More links!

HELLO! In addition to the new pieces at left, we’ve got five new additions to the links block below: Krazy Larry, Dyslexic Penguin, Poprocks & Coke, (daily dinosaur comics), and Huffin and Puffin. They’re certainly worth checking out (or as much as any of these kinds of sites are worth checking out, I guess), so check ’em out when you get the chance.

And as we’ve said before, feedback is always welcome! Just a reminder.  😛

-posted by Wes | 6:06 am | Comments (0)
July 1, 2004

Swapped the position of the Section Archives block with that of the Site Talk block in an attempt to make the latter more visible. Please read it now. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 11:16 am | Comments (0)
June 27, 2004
Welcome, Jax!

Wes here. First of all, I’d like everyone to welcome Jax to Scary-Crayon! Her first piece for us is a poem entitled “Joan of Arc”. Hopefully she’ll stick around to contribute more in the future. Anyway, glad to have you on board, Jax. 🙂

Next point, towards the bottom of the links I’ve added a graphic link to my personal blog. The plans for a Scary-Crayon blog are in the works — I’ve just gotta find someone willing to code a blog for me or learn how to do it myself (volunteers, anyone?), since I’d kinda like SC to remain “independent” and not have certain sections of it “powered by Movable Type” and whatnot. But until that happens, you’ve got my blog — it’s not officially part of the site, but until the official SC blog goes up mine’s the closest thing to it.

Aaaand one more thing. Would anyone be interested in ordering Scary-Crayon merchandise (t-shirts, hats, mugs, etc.) or getting original drawings from your humble webmaster? Stuff like that? Send an e-mail and let me know. Hell, send me an e-mail anyway, assuming anyone even reads this column. I want to do a reader mail piece, but I don’t have enough for that yet. By the way, that special request for donations still stands. 😛

-posted by Wes | 8:23 am | Comments (0)
June 23, 2004
SC is popular? Donations, anyone?

Hey folks, welcome (or welcome back) to Scary-Crayon! Things have been… wild over here in the past few days with the Stupid Internet Ads! piece having been linked on Metafilter, Adrants, and even (By the way, if anyone responsible is reading, we appreciate the plugs.) So. The good news? Gobs of incoming traffic for SC. We <3 traffic. The bad news? We’ve exceeded our set bandwidth for the billing period and are now into overtime and extra fees.

So yeah, if you’re feeling generous, we’d really appreciate it… 😉 Whatever you can spare is fine. Or if you can’t spare anything, that’s fine too! But do feel free to e-mail an encouraging word or two…

-posted by Wes | 5:28 pm | Comments (0)
June 9, 2004
New month, new links.

Yep, new month, and with a new month comes new links — one for Ill Will Press and one for VG Cats, both great sites that I probably should’ve linked with the others given that I check them out about as regularly as the rest. You should too!

And I’m always happy to link sites with content I find interesting, so if you’ve got a link you think should be here, e-mail me a URL and I’ll take a look at it! Of course, if I think it’s awful, I reserve the right to not reply in order to avoid an awkward and potentially offensive e-mail in which I list the reasons that I don’t want to link your page… Anyway, er, thanks for reading!

-posted by Wes | 3:51 pm | Comments (0)
May 10, 2004
More layout changes.

More layout changes! New background, updated look for the archives pages. Also, note the change to the archives links, with the addition of SCARY FACES bullets. If you like ’em, an article about the Scary Faces is forthcoming (I colored some of the scans to make those images), so stay tuned. It’s gonna be massive…

-posted by Wes | 1:00 pm | Comments (0)
April 22, 2004
Link buttons!

Hiya. Quick note — I just made a few link buttons, so if you wanna link to Scary-Crayon, feel free to use ’em.

Scary-Crayon Button 1; 88 x 33Scary-Crayon Button 2; 88 x 33

Scary-Crayon Button 1; 88 x 31Scary-Crayon Button 3; 88 x 31

The buttons on the right were made with screencaps from Desecration, a truly awful horror movie that I’ll be reviewing whenever I can stand to sit through it again. Also, I’m trying out a simple background. Send an e-mail and lemme know if you like it, ok?  :)

-posted by Wes | 12:42 pm | Comments (0)
April 11, 2004
New layout, stuff.

Hi, Wes here. New (temporary) main page layout. I know, it looks a lot like pretty much every other page with similar content. Why do we all have the same freakin’ layout? I dunno. I’m still doing all of the coding in notepad (ugh), but maybe things’ll change a bit whenever I get a news program employed. Coranto‘s been suggested so far — any other recs?

And do check my blog for more info. It’s not SC-centric, but I do talk a lot about what’s going on with the site over there. And I recently added a commenting function! K?

-posted by Wes | 12:54 pm | Comments (0)
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